Bloody Mary Mix

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Bloody Mary Mix

from $17.00

What makes our Bloody Mary Mix so different from the others? For one thing, it's got a nice kick without being too spicy. We think CityPages said it best:

“Finding the best bloody Mary in the Twin Cities is no simple task. Just about every bar has one, and plenty claim the title. Some will lure you with infused vodka and elaborate garnishes, but there's really no hiding a dull mix. We traveled far and wide this year sampling bloodies, from trendy new bars to dives. We found plenty worthy of praise, but Hell's Kitchen's was far and away the best. Served with a beef stick and a pickle, the Hell's Kitchen bloody captures the perfect level of spice — not too hot for the average brunch-goer, but you'll damn well know you're drinking it. The mix is thick and fantastically complex.  It's as classy as we've come to expect from a restaurant that does just about everything well (the homemade peanut butter is a must-try, too).”

Once you score our Bloody Mary Mix, we suggest you create your own Bloody Mary Bar by adding rim salt (we recommend our rib rub, sold separately in our “Bloody Mary Rim” tin), specialty olives, cheese, bacon, peppers, beef jerky and other imaginative garnishes (not included). Like it hot? Consider adding an array of hot sauces for your guests to kick up the heat. But please don't think you have to get all fancy-ass to enjoy a good bloody—after all, our Classic Bloody Mary, served simply with a beef stick and a dill pickle, is still one of our all-time best selling items at Hell's Kitchen.  Mix up a virgin version or add your favorite vodka. 32 oz. bottle.

Also available separately: Bloody Mary Rim (our famous rib rub), Bottled Hell Hot Sauce, and Bloody Mary Kit, which features everything you need to get started! 

IMPT: Our Bloody Mary Mix is freshly made, so please refrigerate upon opening and use within 2 months. Unrefrigerated and unopened, the mix has a shelf life of one year.

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